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Monday, June 15, 2020

Books and Journal Essay - 1100 Words

Books and Journal (Essay Sample) Content: Books and journalInsert your nameCourseProfessorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameDate dueANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHYBeck, Benjamin, (2007). Best practices for the re-introduction of great apes. Gland, Switzerland: World Conservation Union (IUCN) in collab. With the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science.This book discusses the re-introduction of great apes and the way they are viewed now as compared to the past. The introduction is summarized touching on all the subjects that are presented in the book. The brief discussion in the introduction gives vivid information on how apes are viewed in this century. The authors of the book indicate clearly the changes that have occurred in the ape world from time immemorial. It is a helpful source for getting information about the ape world and getting the overview of the current view of the standards applied in the ape world by researchers.Dawidowicz, Paula, (2010). Literature reviews made easy. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub...The author in this book presents the best literature reviews about the information age. The author in the literature review gives more information about the changes that occur very fast in the world due to the dawning of theinformation age. The information age has been described vividly in this book with examples that enhance understanding.Gauch, Hugh G, (2003). Scientific method in practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.The author presents methodologies in scientific practice so well by giving how it can be well implemented. Examples of methodologies in scientific practice are given as well as being explained very well. The author gives the stages in the development of the methodologies over time and how they have evolved to be practical. It is helpful in getting information about the scientific practice methodologies.Zentes,J.,Klrin,H.S.,Morschett,D.(2011).Strategic International Management. Berlin: Springer.The author in this book presents the strategic international management in an e asy way that is understandable to the audience of the authors work. The author shows best results about the strategic international management and how it is useful for the growth of the states in the world. The information given is valuable in that it can enable a country to know where it stands from the results and improve to be competitive on the world stage.Otto, Luther, and Duane Alwin, (1977) "Athletics, aspirations, and attainments." Sociology of Education, 42:102-103. Picou, J. StevenThe author presents the best discussion about athletics, aspirations, and attainments. The discussion is presented from the sociological point of view. The information about athletics is discussed in length giving examples of athletics that are more prominent and recognized and the ones that are not known so much on the world stage. The information is important in understanding the world of athletics, the aspirations, and the attainments.Helmut Thoma and Horst Kachelle et al.; Psychoanalytic prac tice and society.3rd edition, Brook HousePublishersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬34, 35, 36. 2012. Print.The authors present the best conclusion about the psychoanalytic practice and the society. In the conclusion, the authors give the best overall view of what they earlier discussed in the book. The conclusion briefly touches on all the topics that havebeen discussed. The information is very useful if you want to remember quickly the information that has been discussed in the book.The authorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ conclusions are vivid giving description about the information that is contained in the book. The conclusion serves to give the readers a gist of what the book says. The conclusion serves its purpose very well in presenting the information. The conclusion provides more examples of the psychoanalytic practice in society. It offers more understanding of the topic of the book and foster appreciation of the information that the authors are talking about in the book.What I have learned from my assumption i s that the authors present the information in the best possible ways that can be understood by their audience who are the readers. The explanations they give on the topics that they are also discussing expounds on the ideas that are contained in the information that they are trying to pass across. I have also learned as an author you should always try to present the information you are talking about in a more clear way so that it can be easily understood. The clear presentation of information on the topics that are discussed fosters a vast array of knowledge that the authors have which they impact on the readers. I have learned that in trying to give anintroduction of the information that you are talking about you should always try to stay on topic and not to deviate.ReferencesGreen, J., Myrical, L., Johnson, M. (2008). Let it snow: Threeholiday romances. New York:  ÂSpeak.Hammond, B. (1947). The Chestnut Street raid on Wall Street, 1839.The Quarterly JournalÂof Econo mics, 61, 605-618.Rowling, J. (1998). Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone. NewYork: A.A. Levine Books.Sack, A., Thiel, R. (1979). College football and socialmobility: A case study of NotreÂDame football players.Sociology of Education, 52, 60-66.Smith, J. (2013). Playing basketball. Teaching ChildrenMathematics, 19, 408-410Collins, S., Parisi, E. (2009). Catching fire. New York: Scholastic Press

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