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X 1) Motivation and Ccommitment for the Social Work Profession As I think back upon my life there are numerous encounters and factors that h...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Electricity is the Main Factor in Producing Carbon Dioxide

I have chosen to pick the production of electricity because it is a main factor to producing carbon dioxide. Throughout years it has increased the effect of carbon dioxide GLOBALLY. a) Describe ONE source of excess carbon dioxide pollution and explain scientifically how it has impacted the environment.`` On average the world us 39% electricity therefore, electricity consumption is an important portion of a customer’s environmental footprint, which leads to the production of Carbon Dioxide ( Co2) a few ways production of electricity has affected the environment is: The main sources that generate carbon dioxide are thermal powered stations where hydrocarbon fuel (gas, oil, and coal) are burned to produce heat and steam to drive to the generators. Hydrocarbon fuel is what causes carbon dioxide letting out chemicals that pollute the earth’s environment. Caron dioxide is also responsible for Global Warming. Global warming is a gradual temperature rise of the planet’s atmosphere. ( as said in paragraph one hydrocarbon fuel creates heat ) Most of the light energy that comes from the sun is emitted in wavelengths shorter than 4,000 nanometers. The heat energy produced from the earth, however, is released in wavelengths longer than 4,000 nanometers. Carbon dioxide doesnt absorb the energy from the sun, but it does absorb some of the heat energy released from the earth causing global warming. Increase of global warming 1958-2008 b) ExplainShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Renewable Energy On Our Environment1159 Words   |  5 Pagesincreasing demand for electricity there are debates that we should be moving towards renewable energy to cut down our annual emissions as well as cut costs on electricity. There are many types of renewable energies that are becoming available in Australia, including solar, tidal, geothermal, wind, nuclear and many more. 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