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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Energy Consumption by Different Sectors-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Urban infrastructure in commercial and individual use with human expensive. Answer: Introduction Sustainability of energy is an important determinant for survival of quality life of human settlements. Urban energy consumption is higher and it involves industrial operations mainly and buildings and transportations. Rural energy consumption is low as rural areas are still developing and using traditional sources and methods. Global energy requirements are measured as energy requirement across every industrial sector, technological sector and daily household need across country (Energy, 2015). Evolution of energy sources started from Middle Ages and now with advanced technologies and human skills energy has dominated the whole world. Energy resources have triggered trends in society by evolving technologies that make an individuals life easy. Population growth has played a major role in evolution of energy as people have contributed to utilize energy sources and at the same time fulfill the demands of people. The amount of energy is consumed by humans are rapid and it need to be re stored. Energy sources in coming decades will change by introducing some methods and strategies (Twidell and Weir, 2015). The purpose of this report is to focus on how to achieve sustainable development of energy sources and how energy sources will evolve in coming future. The structure of this report is to determine objective, sustainable factors for energy sources including current usage and strategies. Discussion The objective of the report is to determine energy consumption by different sectors and individuals in rural and urban infrastructure. Critical factors for current and future challenges of energy sources consumption and proposal of ideas for sustainability of energy sources in future are also focused in this report. Energy sustainability factor The energy sources over the past decades has evolved and exceeded all the expectations. Energy sources production and capacity has increased substantially and spreading across the globe (Grubb, 2014). Energy sources are continually developing and it has shown massive investment, capacity and integrations across all the industrial sectors and technological sectors. History of energy sources Earlier, energy consumption was widely acknowledged but at that time people were not able to harness full potential of energy sources. Mostly used energy sources are renewable energy sources which are used from generations. The traditional energy sources used were burned woods, straw and dried dung in early periods (Kazmierski and Beeby, 2014). People started to utilize this renewable energy sources on large scale with advanced technologies. Renewable energy sources are cheap therefore demand for this energy sources are huge. Thus industries started utilizing these sources using advanced technologies and this in turn helped them in economic development. Huge demand of renewable energy sources compelled industries all over the world to develop non-renewable energy sources using renewable energy sources. Figure 1: Most Important Renewable Energy Resources (Source: Singh, Olsen and Pant 2013) Implementation of energy sources Department of energy government of United States of America has described energy sources in different sections (Energy.gov, 2017). They are clean energy, fossil, electric power, hydrogen and fuel cells. Clean energy sources in America have steady expansion and it includes solar energy, wind energy, water, geothermal energy, bio energy and nuclear energy. They have started this clean energy revolution to make energy sources more secure and provide clean energy. Solar energy has evolved with usage of solar panels and solar cells in household and industrial use. Wind energy is another clean energy sources which contributes to clean air and it cuts pollution. Wind energy is implemented through Wind Vision in Energy Department of America. Wind visions objective is to explore potential usage of wind energy for improved air quality. They use wind mill with advanced technology to harness energy (Dinesh et al., 2016). Water energy is most valuable and has vast applications in energy sector. E nergy Department of America has redefined their hydropower infrastructure using advanced technologies to generate energy. The traditional ways to harness wave and tide energy were dams however advanced hydropower technologies dominated the traditional way. Hydropower provides benefit of flood control and irrigation also in addition with energy sources. Geothermal energy is generated through underground surface and it can be harnessed to generate clean energy to reduce green house gases. Geothermal energy uses enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) to generate energy which is affordable and cheap (Energy.gov, 2017). Bio energy is an organic source of energy as it includes forest and animal residues. The fuels such as gasoline, diesel and jet fuel are bio energy. Feedstock is used as bio fuels for bio energy. It is cheap than any other clean and renewable energy. Nuclear energy is useful to generate heat and electricity as it helps in national defense activities for America government or a ny other country. There are different types of reactor technologies used for generating nuclear energy. Fossil energy sources such as coal, oil and natural gas are limited and to restore and to use it efficiently, Department of Energy of America has adopted strategies. Energy Department is working to develop strategies to harness coal energy which is cleaner and they have developed technology that capture, utilize and does sequestration. Oil is mainly used for transportation and heating however America has been less dependent on oil in recent years. They use offshore drilling practices to harness oil. Natural gas is an abundant resource which has seen dramatic growth in recent years and methane hydrates is used as natural gas. They have developed shale gas and using liquefied form of natural gas. Energy Department has used electricity as secondary energy source which is a combination of fossil, nuclear, wind and solar (Sandhu and Thakur, 2014). They have developed smart grid infrast ructure which is secure from cyber attack and any physical attack. These grids can withstand any extreme weather situations. Fuel cell produces electricity using fuel cell technologies office which is focused on advance hydrogen and energy security. Fuel cells are mainly used for transportation and commercial buildings which includes hydrogen energy. These are all different types of energy sources which are used by America Government and all other countries work in almost similar way. Energy Department of America has upgraded its technologies to store renewable energy sources in better way (Xia et al., 2014). They are using batteries with large scale grids and pumped hydropower for energy storage. Figure 2: Energy Consumption in the U.S. (Source: Eia.gov, 2017) Challenges of sustainability of energy sources There are limited renewable energy sources from which some are limited and some are abundant globally. National Agencies of different countries is developing strategies to restore energy and ways of storing the available energy for future use. Sustainability of energy sources globally is a major concern for every nation as it is exhausting rapidly. Sustainability of energy sources is not only a concern but the effect of this energy sources in climatic change and environmental change. The average use of energy sources is growing fast and there is a threat to energy sources. Deployment of technologies to harness energy sources and make it as clean energy that does not affect air quality and other environmental quality is necessary for every country (Patel and Patel, 2016). However this is a concern for countries which are not so developed. Developed countries have no major concern for adopting advanced technologies while not so developed countries see this deployment of technologies as a barrier because of cost and lack of approaches to balance expenditure between renewable energy source and fossil fuels. These are seen as obstacles for under developed countries and thus they are unable to develop beyond the infrastructure of energy sources available to them. Renewable energy source also face economic, policy, structural and social challenges in deploying technologies for harnessing energy sources. There is challenge to minimize the gap between energy supply and demand. The threat of exhaustion of energy sources is due to human kind (Lu et al., 2013). Inefficient use of energy sources by human kind are a major concern as there are several risks such as public health risks and climatic risks. Energy sources face challenges in sustainability in social, economic and environmental sector. The global economy through energy sources are going to rise in coming years which results in more usage of renewable energy sources. However this will improve peoples standard of li ving and more benefits in regular chores. According to Greenfacts, demand of oil and carbon dioxide emission has increased triggering climatic threats (Greenfacts.org, 2017). They are regularly trying to adopt strategies to tackle the risks of climatic and environmental changes. The other challenge is lack of skills and knowledge to deploy advanced technologies and to use those technologies for harnessing energy sources. Acquiring full potential of energy sources require high level skills and research and researchers are regularly analyzing the energy sources and developing strategies to deploy. These are the challenges which have been existed from beginning however some are efficiently managed and converted to useful energy sources (Letcher, Law and Reay, 2016). Countries have evolved in this sector and they have managed to modify energy sources however they are still working on energy sources to harness its potential to use it as cleaner energy sources. Proposed strategies for energy sustainability The above paragraphs shows how energy sources has evolved in recent years and challenges faced by energy sources. Some challenges are environmental and some are human generated therefore researchers has proposed different strategies to tackle the issues related to energy sources and ways for sustainability of energy sources. According to World Energy Resources (WER) report, the principles used in recent years are record deployment of renewable energy sources for power generation through wind and solar energy (World Energy Resources | 2016, 2017). The other is increasing demand of shale gas in some countries, and implementation of advanced technologies in particular countries. Lastly the introduction and implementation of electric vehicles like cars and bikes. Researchers have proposed strategies for sustainability of energy sources. There are limited oil and gas resources therefore dependence on fossil fuel will increase in coming years but the question remains unanswered whether in coming future coal will be enough as energy sources. Nuclear energy is fast growing and it is unlimited and it can be used in future to harness power. The possibility of analyzing the use of energy sources is not defined clearly as various factors are coming in between usage and depletion of these sources. The global environmental changes are unpredictable but human behaviors are predictable therefore, human can be key driving force to help in sustainable energy sources (Lee, Speight and Loyalka, 2014). The energy sources are developing and every country needs to deploy advanced technologies and at the same time follow government policies to manage power generated by energy sources. The long term perspective for energy sources can be seen as stable as the use of current technologies is enough for utilizing energy sources. The use of energy sources contributes to development of economic growth. According to Forbes, future is nuclear energy and not fossil (Forbes.com, 2017). This is b ecause although fossil is abundant but fundamentally limited and renewable sources like wind energy, solar energy and hydro energy has limitations of different type. They are not consistent. Therefore, nuclear energy is the only energy source which will dominate in near future. Renewable energy inconsistent and fossil is limited and contributes to pollution (Vosylius, Rakutis and Tvaronavi?ien?, 2013). However, nuclear energy source has strong effect and it is widely used. Figure 3: Energy Management Cycle (Source: Emanz.org.nz, 2018) Conclusion The above discussions conclude that energy sources are important for global development and economic growth. However, ineffective uses of energy sources are resulting in depletion of resources. The energy sources such as renewable sources are inconsistent and it can government cannot depend on this source and fossil are limited and can be exhausted if used inefficiently. Nuclear energy is going to be a boon for industrial purposes as it is more reliable. The implementation of energy source in a particular country is also discussed focusing on different types of energy sources. The above discussions also focus on the challenges faced by energy sector and how it will effect in future. Therefore, it can be concluded that the sustainability of energy sources is important for global economic development. Sustainability can be achieved through proposed policies by Government and effective use of energy sources by human kind. Future of energy sources is stable as current technologies are ve ry useful. References Dinesh, K., Prasath, C.R., Jarvis, D.M., Kumar, D.S., Venkatesh, R. and Scholar, U.G., 2016. Design and Implementation of Wind Energy based Negative Output Super-Lift LUO Converter.International Journal of Engineering Science,3134. Energy, E., 2015. Renewable energy sources.Ergon Energy. Energy.gov., 2017.Energy Sources | Department of Energy. 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